KMAC (Kensington Market Action Committee) is your general-purpose neighbourhood association looking out for the interests of both residents and businesses in Kensington Market
Some of what we’ve worked with & supported in 2014
– Friends of Kensington who successfully kept Walmart from moving into Kensington Market this year
– the 25th Annual Kensington Market Winter Solstice Parade on December 21st
– Sonya’s Park Community Gardens
– new artist murals in the neighbourhood
– St. Stephens out of the cold program
– Canopy of Kensington – planting new trees in both front and back yards throughout the market
We also
– act as liaison for visiting film crews in Kensington
– negotiate with city officials in all matters that relate to our neighbourhood.
Is there anything you think we could be supporting?
Do you have an interest in volunteering for our board?
Please join us ….
refreshments will be served.